Circuit Action Sports Circuit
Annual General Meeting
June 2005
in attendance:
Theo Michael, Joyce Turner, Sheila Turner, Rachel Hawes, John Wong, Suzanne Solomon, Paula Dery, Leonard Luedee, Geraldine Mickie, Tom Page, Greg Phendler
(1) Approval of 2004 AGM’s minutes
(2) Reports (president’s and treasurer’s)
Election of new board
Open (commentary, suggestions,
to open meeting
Suzanne: Motion to open meeting
year’s minutes:
Sheila: Motion to approve last year’s minutes
Joyce: seconds
Note: New secretary responsible for posting minutes on CASC website.
President’s report
The past year was a successful one. We started out with a new board. Rajesh Patel’s appeal was a challenge. The outcome of the process was that he will have to pay a damage bond in order to play.
The Friday “A” division teams didn’t have enough players this year so they were absorbed into “B”.
The Thursday division was the smoothest, there were no complaints. Paula announced that next year there will again be six teams and that Jillian will be captain of the sixth team.
There was an appeal for more volunteers.
Three players were suspended for a total of five games in all divisions. All were men.
The league is on budget (see attached budget for details). The CASC administration fee was upped to cover some extra costs. (1) a donation in remembrance of Vangie; (2) X-drive was under-budgeted.
The Thursday division has a surplus of $95 (over and above reimbursement). The Tuesday division has a $31 surplus, the Friday “B” division has a $139 surplus per team. There was a nice donation of $300 of goalie equipment to the Thursday division.
Paul reported that it was quite and easy year, everybody paid and there were no NSF cheques. Paula will report to the government and noted that no report was filed with the government the previous year, and she will send the budget to the captains.
Sheila informed the members that the government will post the financial statements on the internet.
Theo asked whether we anticipate any increases next year.
Paula said that it depends on whether we use Pointe St-Charles’ gym or not.
Tom said that the Tuesday division will have to increase fees next year. They need to increase referees pay to $10 since they have not had a raise in years.
Suzanne motioned to approve the financial statements. Joyce and Tom seconded.
The budgets for next year will be more or less the same as this year’s based on a fee per team in each division.
Joyce had some suggestions on how to improve the Tuesday division.
Suggestion 1: Two women on the floor at all times would increase the participation of women in the division
Tom feels that there are not enough women already and that it is hard to find enough to play as it is.
Suggestion 2: Remove the scoring rule
Suggestion 3: Awards should not be based on points
It was mentioned that Friday’s awards are given by points. A spirited discussion on the awards took place.
Theo motioned to amend 6.5.1 so that teams can only
have two men on the floor at a time.
Suzy seconded. The vote passed
with a vote of 10 for and 1 against.
The parity issue of the Friday
division was discussed. Theo motioned
that captains must vote on whether to split the teams after all played each
other (coordinator will break tie).
Sheila seconded. The motion
passed with a vote of 10 in favour and 1 abstention (Suzanne).
Geraldine had an issue with having
all the goalies from two teams in the Thursday division. There will be an effort made to have each
team field a goalie. Paula and Elena
will help out.
Theo wanted rule 6.9 removed for the
playoffs. A discussion ensued.
Theo made a motion to remove rule
6.9 for the playoffs. Rachel seconded. The motion was denied with a vote of two in
favour and nine against.
There was an isolated incident of a
player playing under the influence of alcohol.
Theo made a motion that the head referee and/or the coordinator be given
the authority to eject the player from the game if he suspects that a player is
under the influence. Tom seconded. The motion was carried by a unanimous vote.
Thierry Marier (spelling?) has asked
to be reinstated. Theo suggested that he
be required to pay a damage bond. The
suggestion was taken under advisement.
The new board will decide on what action to take.
Somebody raised the issue of goalie
timeouts. Time ran out so it was decided
that this issue would be addressed at the next board meeting.
The new Board members nominated were: Paula Dery, Leonard Luedee, Valerie Frost, Suzanne Solomon and Lino Pietrantonio. They were unanimously accepted by all in attendance. The board will meet to decide on roles.
Geraldine: motion to close
Rachel: second
Meeting was adjourned.