Circuit Action Sports Circuit
Annual General Meeting
June 2004
Members in attendance:
Jimmy Garoufalis, Theo Michael, Joyce Turner, Suze Turner, Rachel Hawes, John Wong, Carine Contreras, Valerie Frost, Suzanne Solomon, Jennifer Jones-Patulli, Paula Dery, Leonard Luedee
(1) Last year’s minutes
(2) Division updates
(3) Budget
(4) Election of new Board
(5) Open
Last Year’s Minutes:
Paula: Motion to empower new board to approve last year’s minutes
Suzanne: second
Note: New secretary responsible for posting minutes on CASC website.
Division Updates:
The Tuesday division went well this past season, possibly one of the best seasons yet. In the upcoming season there should be more effort to strive for parity, and to help captains find spare players.
The Thursday division has the pending issues of the gym rental as well as finding a new coordinator for the 2004-2005 season. Furthermore, there must be more effort made to ensure parity among the teams. The reoccurring debate regarding a draft for the Thursday division has not yet been resolved. However, the idea of trades among the teams is generally accepted. These issues are to be further discussed at the next Thursday division captain’s meeting.
The Friday “B” division did not face very many problems in 2003-2004. The main issue occurred during the division finals, and resulted in the expulsion of a player. The outcome of the finals “shocked us all,” and led to a debate among some division members regarding the judgment behind the disciplinary action. Regarding the gym rental, the Verdun gym was not enjoyed by all, and next season would be more favorable in Pointe St-Charles.
The Friday “A” division after experiencing a late start, went on to play a season in which four or five members were expelled. Furthermore, two of the five teams which participated in 2003-2004 will not be returning next season. Playing the season with five teams went quite well, and offered time for other social activities on off nights. During the playoffs, the referees came under question for possible conflict of interest. To remedy this, it would be best to have referees that do not play in the division in which they officiate. The issue of aggressiveness among some “A” division also came up during the meeting. Suze suggested better screening of players before they join a division, perhaps providing a better prediction of whether or not they react poorly when they loose. Suzanne questioned the philosophy and identity of the “A” division. Perhaps with a more concrete definition if the division players expectations would move in line with that of the division. Theo asserted that the “A” division follows CASC principles, and that the aggressiveness of some players is a reflection of their ages and of the number of years they have been members of CASC. In comparison to the “B” division, the “A” division has younger and newer members, therefore their attitude on the play is less relaxed that that of he “B” division members.
The Tuesday division has a $125 surplus, the Friday “B” division has a $325 surplus, and the Friday “A” division has $603 surplus. The Thursday division is missing $140 from the Skittles, from that a $75 cheque has gone missing and when found will leave a balance of $65 owed. Overall, the Thursday division has a deficit of $0.44.
As a rule, any surplus CASC will be handed back to the captains.
Food is not presently included in the Board budget. At the next Annual General Meeting we will have food.
Note: a hard copy of the budget was not available at this meeting and should be made available for viewing as soon as possible.
Theo: motion to approve verbal budget at this meeting, with the condition that the written budget will be sent to all members present at this meeting. The deadline is two weeks.
Leonard, Joyce, Paula: second
Board members did not meet during the 2003-2004 season. It is imperative that Board members meet at least once per year (in addition to the annual general meeting).
Suzanne: motion to make it mandatory for the Board to meet at least once per half season.
Theo: second
In addition, the Board should consider greater communications with the members of CASC. By-laws should be included in communications, and updated versions should be posted on the web-site. The date, time, location, and agenda of meetings should be communicated more effectively to captains, volunteers, and members.
Valerie: motion for the new board to make greater personal efforts to communicate with regular members.
Theo: second
Finally, Jimmy feels there is a need to simplify the budget with regards to members working to pay their season.
The new Board members include: Paula Dery, Leonard Luedee, Valerie Frost, Rachel Hawes, and Jimmy Garoufalis
Jennifer: motion to close
Theo: second