CASC Annual General Meeting
Friday June 6, 2003
Loblaws St-Croix
Present: Suzanne Solomon
Michel Godin
Rajesh Patel
David B. Lefebvre
Jennifer Jones
Regent Proulx
Paula Dery
Theo Michael
Joyce Turner
Jimmy Garoufalis
John Wong
Kamlesh Patel
1. With quorum (10) met, it is moved by Michel and seconded by Suzanne that the meeting be opened at 7:10pm with Secretary Joyce acting as chair in the absence of the President. Motion carried.
2. Moved by Theo and seconded by Michel to approve the minutes of the 2002 AGM. Motion carried.
3 Reports
3.1 President's report: Unavailable
3.2 Treasurer’s report: Jimmy - See attached. It is moved by Theo, seconded by Suzanne that the Treasurers suggestion of $500 as the board's budget for 2003-2004 be accepted
3.3 Secretary's report: Joyce - Attached member list , minutes of board meetings, replies to appeals. Waiver forms are not adequate creating the member list no email listed.
3.4 VP Men's report: Michel- Didn't have to do as much as expected, hope next year the VP men will be more involved.
3.5 VP Women's report: Suzanne - Job was easy, the board took a hands off approach. Jen did a very good job and stayed in touch with VP. Need to make sure the captains know who the VP's are, and let their players know.
4. Moved by Jen, seconded by David that the changes to the bylaws be accepted. Motion carried.
5. Kam, Jen, David, Jimmy, Rajesh, Suzanne, Paula, & John are nominated and seconded for positions on the CASC board.
Suzanne, Paula, and John decline the nomination.
The CASC board 2003-2004 with therefore consist of:
Kamlesh Patal
Jennifer Jones
David B. Lefebvre
Jimmy Garoufalis
Rajesh Patel
6. Other Business
6.1 Discussion of amounts the coordinators are paid - should it be based on the number of teams or should coordinators of divisions that are harder to run be paid more. Up to next board. It is moved by Paula, seconded by Suzanne that, due to the low amount paid to the Tuesday division coordinator 2002-2003, all surplus of Tuesday division miscellaneous expenses shall go to Tuesday division coordinator, Jimmy.
6.2 Theo moves, Michel seconds that, due to the amount of work the Treasurer does, that henceforth the treasurer be paid a nominal amount. Vote: 7 in favour, 5 opposed. Motion carried.
Discussion of amount to pay.
Suzanne moves, Paula seconds that henceforth the treasurer be paid $200. Motion carried
Theo moves, Suzanne seconds that the board's budget 2003-2004 be increased by $200 (to $700)
to accommodate treasurer's amount. Motion carried.
6.3 Theo asks if board has taken steps for tax returns. Jimmy says yes.
6.4 Fundraising. John has learned we could sell sticks and have the profits, but only if we don't have plastic only rule.
Also, coordinators need to look into reduced gym rates for non profit organizations.
7. Moved by Michel, seconded by Suzanne that the meeting be adjourned at 8:50pm. Motion carried.